God is Our Refuge

Corina Midgett.png

Build a fort, play a game of refuge, and listen to verses from the Psalms; *“Send us your 4 minute fort-building video by July 10th. We’re speeding them up and compiling them for a Mountain Top Cafe presentation.”


  1. Video record your child building a pillow or blanket fort.

  2. The video can be as short as 10 seconds or as long as 4 minutes

  3. Hold your phone in the horizontal landscape position

  4. Keep the phone in one place and position. Do not move around when you record.

  5. Name the recording using this format: FORT_yourname_ state/province_country (the name for my video is FORT_Midgett_Maryland_USA)

  6. Upload the video to https://www.onlinebible.school/youth-class-uploads .

  7. Upload the video before Sunday July 11th.

  8. If you have trouble, contact Kara Soucy at ksoucy@wcfoundation.org.

Upload Form

Sis. Corina Midgett- Rockville, MD, USA

Supplies needed: cell phone for recording; materials for building a fort (sofa cushions, blankets, chairs)


Jesus Walks on Water


I am the LIGHT of the World (John 8:12)