God is Our Refuge
Build a fort, play a game of refuge, and listen to verses from the Psalms; *“Send us your 4 minute fort-building video by July 10th. We’re speeding them up and compiling them for a Mountain Top Cafe presentation.”
Video record your child building a pillow or blanket fort.
The video can be as short as 10 seconds or as long as 4 minutes
Hold your phone in the horizontal landscape position
Keep the phone in one place and position. Do not move around when you record.
Name the recording using this format: FORT_yourname_ state/province_country (the name for my video is FORT_Midgett_Maryland_USA)
Upload the video to https://www.onlinebible.school/youth-class-uploads .
Upload the video before Sunday July 11th.
If you have trouble, contact Kara Soucy at ksoucy@wcfoundation.org.
Sis. Corina Midgett- Rockville, MD, USA
Supplies needed: cell phone for recording; materials for building a fort (sofa cushions, blankets, chairs)